Five-Day Workshop on Practical Quality Improvement Techniques (2 June-6 June 2015)

One of the most happening events of MMA took place from 2nd June to 6th June 2015. This was the 4th such workshop of its kind. Previously this kind of workshop took place in 2003, 2005 & 2006. More than 70 Factory Owners, Managers, Engineers and supervisors took part from various manufacturing industries. The Workshop was arranged to train MSME personal for their better understanding of Quality, Productivity and Profitability of their Organizations. Participants were given information about Six Sigma, 7 QC tools, 5S – the starting point of the quality journey, ISO9001 – main principles and features, 8-D problem solving method, PDCA etc.

A website was also created for the workshop (Link)

Following were the faculty for the workshop:

  1. Mr. Yogesh Garg: B.Tech (IIT Kanpur), Partner Systeller Innovation (P) Ltd.
  2. Mr. Virendra Kumar Gupta, Business Consultant (Ghaziabad)
  3. Mr Aman Dayal, Director, Dayal Fertilizers (P) Lt.
  4. Er. Ashok Singhal, B.E.(E), Executive Secretary, MMA & Coordinator