AGM (27 Sep 2014)

Brief Details of Program:

Annual General Meeting ( AGM ) of Meerut Management Association was conducted on 27th September 2014 at 22b The Resort, 22-B, Boundary Road, Meerut Cantt. New President and office bearers were elected . The New team are as under:-

Capt. V.K.Gupta                President

Mr. Ankit Singhal              Sr. Vice President

Mr. Kamal Anand              Vice President

Mr. Ankur Jaggi                 Secretary

Mr. Sunjeev Gupta             Jt. Secretary

Mr. Ankur Jaggi ( Secretary ), Mr. Ankit Singhal ( Sr. Vice President ), Capt. V.K.Gupta ( President ), Mr. Kamal Anand ( Vice President ), Mr. Sunjeev Gupta ( Jt. Secretary ) & Mr. Rajeev Jain (Immediate Past President ).
Mr. Ankur Jaggi ( Secretary ), Mr. Ankit Singhal ( Sr. Vice President ), Capt. V.K.Gupta ( President ), Mr. Kamal Anand ( Vice President ), Mr. Sunjeev Gupta ( Jt. Secretary ) & Mr. Rajeev Jain (Immediate Past President ).
Group photograph of the members and their families attending the AGM.